The Wolf Brothers - They're On A Mission From Granmani
In a previous post of mine, I briefly mentioned how Subwoolfer's outfits instantly reminded me of the Blues Brothers , and when you compare the two, well, it is hard to NOT continue to see that. Eventually that brought me to a smashing idea of creating an ad hoc poster of Keith and Jim in the same manner as "Joliet" Jake and Elwood Blues. So I did and did what anyone does in the age of social media: posted on Twitter . My initial concept of it was rough - I had just wanted people to see what was going on in my head to my limited abilities. But it stirred more of my thoughts on comparisons between the two bands, on the parallelisms, whether intentional or not, between the two. A cleaner version of the Twitter one and a side-by-side But let me pause for just a second. The way I'm going on here, I'm acting as if everyone knows of the iconic Blues Brothers, and I know from experience that that isn't the case. So here's the abridged version: The Bl...